Stress Intensity K Factors for External Surface Cracks in Thick-Walled Cylinder Vessels
Report / Survey by ASME International, 02/07/2017
Non Destructive Examination (NDE) and In-Service Inspection (ISI) Technology for High Temperature Reactors
standard by ASME International, 12/15/2011
Measurement of Industrial Sound
standard by ASME International, 01/01/2004
Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers
standard by ASME International, 10/12/2018
Align Mechanical and Civil-Structural Earthquake Design and Qualification Rules for ASME B31 Piping Systems and Pipelines
standard by ASME International, 06/15/2012
Specifications for Vertical In-Line Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical Process
standard by ASME International, 04/14/2017
In-Service Testing of Nuclear Air-Treatment, Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Systems
standard by ASME International, 12/14/2018
2019 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V: Nondestructive Examination
standard by ASME International, 07/01/2019
Verification of Allowable Stresses in ASME Section III, Subsection NH for Alloy 800H
standard by ASME International, 11/01/2008
Section VIII-Division 2 Example Problem Manual
standard by ASME International, 06/18/2013
Guidance for ASME EA-2, Energy Assessment for Pumping Systems [ANSI designation: ASME TR EA-2G-2010]
standard by ASME International, 09/24/2010