Testing method for laminated thermosetting high-pressure decorative sheets (FOREIGN STANDARD)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2007
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V — Part 3: Non-sheathed cables for fixed wiring (FOREIGN STANDARD)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2003
Naphthalene for industrial use (FOREIGN STANDARD)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2007
AC load break switches for 3.3 kV or 6.6 kV (FOREIGN STANDARD)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1998
Cranes — Access, guards and restraints — Part 1: General (Foreign Standard)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2015
Methods of test for high frequency inductors and intermediate frequency transformers for electronic equipment (FOREIGN STANDARD)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1997
Hot-formed stainless steel sections (Foreign Standard)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2013
Manually propelled wheelchairs (Foreign Standard)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2016
Plastics — Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) sheets (Foreign Standard)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2015
Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 3: Stairs, stepladders and guard-rails (FOREIGN STANDARD)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2004
Microscopic testing method for the non-metallic inclusions in steel (FOREIGN STANDARD)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2003
Steel bolts and nuts for fish-plates and fastenings (Foreign Standard)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2008